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                    X 22 Report= Real News

Dave-owner-Says;   (Click & Visit) 1/15/21
 X22 Report is a daily show that will cover issues surrounding the economic collapse. All our reports and Daily Alerts are backed up by source links.

I work very hard to bring you the facts and I research everything before presenting the report. The X22 Report is “one man’s opinion”. Anything that is said on the show is for information purposes only.  If making any type of investment or legal decision it would be wise to contact or consult a professional before making that decision.

This X22 Report and The People has been put together to benefit “The People”. When I say “The People” I am talking about everyone in the world.

We as a people want freedom, we want to make a living to support our family.

The founding fathers of America wanted this and We The People today want it. Join me and many others to fight what is rightfully ours.

 Dave’s Bio: I am 52 years old and I have children.

I lived in NY and I was there for 911 and the North East blackout. 

I lost my job in 2008 and was laid off.

Since 2008 I have been prepping. My wife, kids and I try to eat organic and we try to avoid all chemicals in foods. We make our own bread, food and pizza from scratch.

I have a technology background and have worked for large financial institutions.  My main job was securing the systems from viruses and hackers and maintaining the trading systems so the money flowed from system to system. I have tried talking to friends and relatives about what was going on but every time I talked about the
 government, FED and the economic collapse they looked at me like I was crazy. I decided to start a website and broadcast to the world what was going on.

I didn’t really think that anyone would really listen to what I was saying when I started it was just a way to get the word out and get it off my chest.

I realized as the cost of everything continually increases it is getting harder and harder to live the life of my parents and grandparents.

I realized if we all don’t do something our children will not have the opportunities and freedoms the way the founding fathers envisioned.

                   CLICK & Visit-I Visit & Like-This site owner

   I Belong to: -John Victorine-this site owner for  {Web Traffic}}---Good Luck & enjoy !!!