Pollution Solutions
*** People Power ****
Get: Impowered!!!!! And Take Action !!!
Chuck Norris strikes back against GMOs, Codex, and government assault against health freedom. 9/ 29, 2011 by: Ethan A. Huff, staff writer Learn more: Go Here
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Leaked reports reveal US government pushing hard for GMOs in Africa---12/2010
www.naturalnews.com/030683_GMOs_Africa.html <---Click
GMO's---Are---Bad News!!!
Non-GMO Actions Groups, Dr. Oz and more Dec 10, 2010:
Natural Health Co-op, Where All Profits Bless Humanitarian Organizations (NGOs),
Along with the "528LOVERevolution! Click & Visit
Unseen Dangers of Microwave Ovens
Why did the Russians Ban an Appliance Found in 90% of American Homes?
http://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2010/05/18/microwave-hazards.aspx <---CLICK
7/19/13 CIA-is-funding-government-led-chemtrailing-project/ Visit
USDA deregulates GE alfalfa; opens door to new era of widespread
genetic pollution of crops! Learn more: ( Visit-Here )
CONFIRMED – Link Between Fracking and Earthquakes Oilprice.com
http://wakeup-world.com/2011/11/11/confirmed-link-between-fracking- &-earthquakes/ <---Visit
10 outlandish things the 'scientific' controllers have in mind for you in the near future !!!
Wednesday, November 23, 2011 by Mike Adams, the Health Ranger go here
5 billion-a-year+ (Click ) (9/05/12)
THiNK For: Yourself !!!
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