Welcome to the Non-GMO Project
GMO Food---Also Called---(Frankenstein-Food!!!)
The Non-GMO Project is a non-profit collaboration of manufacturers, retailers, processors,
distributors, farmers, seed companies and consumers.
Our shared belief is that everyone deserves an informed choice about whether or not to consume genetically modified products,and our common mission is to ensure the sustained availability of non-GMO choices. (Curious what a GMO is?
(Click here.)
Everything You HAVE TO KNOW about Dangerous Genetically Modified Foods -
P.S. Free & important info.. Not in Main System Media---Reason----$$$$$$$!!!
Poland's 'Festival of Nature and Culture' takes unified stand against GMOs
12, 17, 2011 by: Ethan A. Huff, staff writer. Learn more:
GMO soy bringing poverty, poor health to South America:
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chuck Norris strikes back against GMOs, Codex, and government assault against health freedom ...Thursday, September 29, 2011 by: Ethan A. Huff, staff writer. Learn more: CLICK.
..Just Say No to GMO music video by Mike Adams the Health Ranger-Video : (ClicK)
Death blow to GMOs? California ballot initiative calls for mandatory labeling of all genetically
engineered foods Monday, October 03, 2011 (Visit)
( The Truth about: Marijuana ) Marijuana news, articles and information:
Marijuana Benefits Cancer: Two Studies You Probably Never Read About
Marijuana better than pharmaceuticals at treating chronic pain, improving mood
Cannabis Beneficial for Multiple Sclerosis Patients, Study Finds http://www.naturalnews.com/Marijuana.html
Marijuana Has Anti-Cancer Properties
Marijuana Compound May Help Stop Diabetic Retinopathy (press release)
S 510 Food Safety bill is still alive and may unleash a new army of FDA agents. (B.S.)
To cut Your freedom & help big $$$---Not You!!! 12/2010Learn more: ( Click )
Research links consuming microwaved food to cancer: More Info.
"There are only two ways to live your life.
One, is as though there are no miracles.
The other is as though everything is a miracle." ~Albert Einstein
Drug Company Pays 3/4 of a Billion Dollars for Selling Adulterated Drugs (Visit)
The Hazardous Gas in Your Mouth: Is This the First Crack in the ADA's Corrupt Cover-up?
Think & Open Your Mind!
Serbian ecology leader arrested for openly defying GMOs and
Chemtrails: 10/24/11 by: PF Louis Learn more:
We have some: Answers!!! Free info.. Here at: http://www.world-answers.info
After surviving war in Iraq, U.S. troops now being killed by Big Pharma (Visit) <<< WoW!!!