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Are  "Chemtrails" real?

A look at the facts:

Chemtrails have been the subject of intense media scrutiny for quite some time now. Those who’ve dared to go public with their knowledge of atmospheric engineering
efforts — and even those who are simply bold enough to ask questions on a public platform — have been skewered by the propagandist mainstream media. Indeed, anyone
with the gall to question what’s clearly going on in the skies above is inherently labeled a “crazed conspiracy theorist.” Anything will be said to discredit reality,
it seems. But a hard look at the facts shows that geoengineering is nothing new — it’s real, and it’s been going on for a very long time.

Writing for Waking Times, writer Julian Rose explains that in 1975, the U.S. government patented a dispersion method for what were called “powdered contrails.” These
contrails were designed to reside in the atmosphere for lengthy periods of time.

Years later, the word “chemtrails” itself would appear in government documents. Rose reports that the U.S. Department of Defense actually used the word “chemtrails”
in the title for a manual provided to pilots training in the US Air Force Academy in 1990. According to Rose, this manual actually teaches you how to make the aerosol
sprays we call “chemtrails.”

And as Natural News writer JD Heyes reported in 2016, NASA itself has admitted to spraying lithium into the atmosphere on-and-off for decades.

The “conspiracy theory” isn’t looking so much like a theory anymore, is it?

Indeed, chemtrails and other geoengineering efforts are a reality — even if the
 propagandists want you to believe otherwise.

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But how long has chemtrailing been going on? Well, Rose reports that aerosol spraying efforts have been underway for nearly sixty years. Some of the earliest incidents
 include cloud seeding attempts during World War II and the 1960’s Vietname invasion. In the 1980’s, atmospheric engineering became a full-fledged military project
named “Environmental Modification Weapon” or “En Mod.”

However, under a 1987 United Nations ruling, the U.N. Convention on the Prohibition of Military or Any Other Hostile Use of Environmental Modification Techniques, such
 practices were banned. But, the ban isn’t really stopping anyone. As Rose notes, nowadays officials are propping up their pro-geoengineering argument by claiming that
 aerosol sprays and other techniques can be used to help battle climate change.

Further, the mass spraying of chemtrails has continued on without a single hitch — and those that have dared to speak up have been put through the ringer.

Last year, an EPA whistleblower revealed that he was fired by the EPA after raising concerns about the use of aluminum in atmospheric geoengineering.

Michael Davis reportedly worked at the EPA for 16 years before being given the boot. He commented, “I was terminated as a public servant performing a public service
for raising the issues of anthropogenic deposition of aluminum due to atmospheric geoengineering.”

But aluminum isn’t the only thing being dispersed into our atmosphere. As Rose reports, barium and strontium are two elements that have also been identified via water
samples — both of which are capable of highly disastrous effects on the brain and other organs.

[Related: Read more stories about atmospheric geoengineering at :
ChemtrailsNews.com.] <---Click & visit

There is no shortage of evidence that chemtrails are real — and dangerous. What do you believe?

Sources for this article include:

WakingTimes.com            GeoengineeringWatch.org                                                                                                


             "If you do not take an interest in the affairs of your government,

then you are doomed to live under the rule of fools." – Plato

Weather modification programs have been run by the US government since 1953  05/10/2017 / By Jayson Veley <---Click

*** Edmund Burke once said that “all that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing”, and if we sit back and do nothing now the radical left is going to win in America. *****